Microsoft Could Be Engaged on iPhone Companion Device for Easier Phone Calls
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft might be abandoning Windows phones, yet this doesn't necessarily mean that company is stepping with the mobile world completely.

Actually, the last few months brought us evidence that these software giant is exploring several ways to remain inside the active player in mobile, and in addition to apps and services released on Android and iOS, as it turns out something at the hardware side is planned just as well.

A patent describing a peripheral device simply called "User Input Peripheral" presents a Microsoft project which could serve as a companion device for Apple's iPhone and invite features like easier and faster dubs.

As MSPU notes, the unit would play a double role: phone dock for a iPhone and VoIP speaker, with built-in features like speakers and microphones.
"Bluetooth support"

With both wireless and wired support (via Bluetooth) made available, the new device would also boast notification lights and buttons to quickly perform certain tasks, which can include launching Skype or answering an appointment. A Lightning connector might possibly be offered to get in touch with the iPhone.

Surely, such a device should bring iPhones and Windows 10 PCs closer together, which sometimes help Microsoft captivate more mobile users who wish to stick with its desktop software. It's not a secret that Apple's ecosystem attracts a major number of iPhone buyers caused by the integration with macOS, so by using these a device, Microsoft could bring more customers to its own platform.

As always, a patent is actually no means confirmation which the certain technology is pushed to mass production, but because the cited source notes, the drawings be understood as in an advanced stage already and all this could be an indication that Microsoft is perhaps planning to bringing it to the market at the same time.

It remains seen whenever the device may well the go-ahead, but if it doesn't, the patent resides proof that Microsoft has several methods on your mind to remain bought mobile.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 783
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 12 دی 1396 | نظرات ()
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